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After you’ve given birth, this is where it all begins. Be ready for the first of everything. Mommyhood, here you come!

The First Diaper Change

Materials you will need: clean diaper, diaper ointment, cottonballs/washcloth, warm water. ***baby wipes contain agents that can be irritating to the baby’s bum so try to wait at least a month before using them**


1.) Place the baby gently on his back on the changing surface. Make sure he doesn’t roll off and support his/her head.

2.) Remove the dirty diaper, roll it up, and dispose! *If you have a baby boy, keep a cloth diaper or washcloth handy over him so that he doesn’t pee on you or on himself*

3.) Wipe from the front to the rear with cotton balls or a washcloth and lukewarm water. Remember to be gentle since he may have a rash.

4.) A bit of air-drying is good for the baby. Let him feel the freeeeedom 😀 and then apply diaper ointment if he has a rash. Tuck the back of the new clean diaper under his bottom and pull the front between the legs, and fasten.

Result: Happy Clean baby 😀

The First Bath

Materials you will need: baby bathtub or clean sink, washcloth, baby soap and shampoo (try looking for organic paraben free baby cleansing products)

1.) Warm room temperature.

2.) Fill the tub with a few inches of warm water, and ease the baby in by putting his feet in first. Lean him backwards slowly and gently while keeping your arm around his back and always supporting his head.

3.) Wash the body first, and then go behind the ears and the folds under the arms and neck. Save the hair for last so he doesn’t get too cold.

4.) Use a cup to rinse his entire body with warm water.

5.) Wrap the baby in a warm hooded towel and pat him dry.

Happy Baby and Mom :D. Bath time is a great time to interact with the baby. Skin-to-skin contact is important for physical and emotional development. It’s through the power of touch that the baby learns more about the people and his/her surroundings. Bonding with Your Baby

The First Intense Crying Session

Things You Will Need: loving arms, patience, and mom’s soothing voice

1.) Check to see if the diaper is soiled, if the baby is too hot or cold, or if something is hurting him

2.) Try to breastfeed him, or give him a bottle or a pacifier

3.) Swaddle the baby snugly in a blanket with his arms tucked inside. Try to make “shushing sounds” while holding him on his side or stomach and jiggling him, but only gently. You’re recreating a womb-like environment that can calm the baby down.

4.) Time to swaaaaay~ or walk around a bit while holding the baby. Babies love motion! Time to get activeee :). Consider this more great bonding times for you and the baby! As always remember to support you newborns head.

Some of these firsts can be scary…..but you will get the hang of it! Take your time, ask hubby to help or your mom/sister/friend to stand by for the first time than you will be a pro! Anybody want to add their first experiences?

There’s 2 really important paternal relationships: the relationship that you have with your parents and the relationship your parents have with your child. Grandma and grandpa are the loved ones you can count on for free babysitting 😀 and advice for your children. They get to say yes when you have no choice but to say no. When a sweet grandchild asks for his or her bedtime to be postponed, grandparents can’t bear to say no. And who can blame them for wanting to indulge their cute grandchildren? However, from the parent’s perspective, when you’re trying to establish good sleeping patterns, sticking to regular bedtimes should be consistent. It’s not too bad. That extra cookie or that extra 1 or 2 hours of play before bedtime. Children get to learn and understand that there are different rules in different settings.

As grandparents, sometimes you have to let the parent take over. Your wisdom, knowledge, and experience should be passed down but things can change with time and parents these days might want to do some things in a manner they choose. Grandparents should definitly voice their concerns and opinions, especially if it concerns the child’s safety, but if the subject matter relates to something more transitional, it’s best to let the parent try to take control first.

According to a survey conducted in 2001, the factor that affects how grandparents feel about the role they play in their grandchildren’s lives is how often they get to see them. Visits and phone calls are essential. Keeping grandparents involved in the child’s life is a way to etch into their minds the importance of a good relationship with the parents. Grandparents are the key to better understanding one’s parents as well, including their childhood. I bet they’d love to share some embarrassing stories of mom and dad! They’re also the peace-promoters 🙂

If you have grandparents from different sides of the family that tend to get competitive, try to discuss visitations and dividing up certain tasks ahead of time. We know how grandparents dearly want to express their  love for their grandchildren. Everyone deserves a chance to be involved! 🙂 Let’s share the love.f

When I was a child I never had grandparents and I always wanted them. I use to watch the other children on the block have special times with their grandparents who gave them unconditional love, and special treats! I use to want to adopt them as my own. When I had children of my own I was so happy that my children were lucky enough to have their grandparents around them. I remember consciously moving aside so that they could develop their own special relationship, ties, memories with their grandparents. Grandma would make them a chicken soup or banana bread that to this day they search for. Grandpa would hold them in his lap and read to them. They are unforgettable memories. The stories that are passed down and the love that was felt will never be forgotten.

How do you feel about the role grandparents play in your child’s life? Are their any stories you can share with our readers? Please comment.

Being a new mother may be one of the most demanding jobs you’ve ever had. It is sometimes also difficult to figure out how to take “time out” for mom! Here are a few thoughts and tips.

Being a new mama can be magical! It also can get overwhelming with all of your new responsibilities, chores, lack of sleep and generally figuring out how to understand and integrate this new bundle of joy into your household! It can often seem like an endless cycle of diapers, nursing, burping, rocking, cleaning etc. As a childcare expert we know that it is crucial to find mommy time out in order to achieve a happy and balanced life with baby.

Often young mothers don’t realize how exhausting and time consuming looking after a baby can be. Did you ever hear about the football team that was exhausted after running after a toddler all day? 🙂 Managing a whole corporation can sometimes seem easier than adjusting to a new baby. So how does one do this?

In order to avoid overload, depression and loss of identity a new mom needs to find a balance and that means time out for mom, husband time, friends and family time. You need a support network. Enlisting help can be the best way to ensure time out. It use to be that we were surrounded by family who all chipped in to help. This is no longer the case for so many. We don’t always have the support of family and friends. It is necessary for your overall well being to structure some time into your days/weeks where you schedule in advance a babysitter. Teamwork between partners can allow for this to happen as well. Negotiate designated “me time” to get your hair done, go for coffee with friends, or just for a walk by yourself. Even grocery shopping with out baby in tow can be a blessing some times!

Neglecting yourself after a baby comes can lead to isolation,  low self esteem and sometimes depression. Taking time out for ourselves as woman is often not easy. But unless we replenish ourselves we will not have enough to give.

Here are our suggested tips:

1. Sleep when the baby sleeps. This is so important especially the first few weeks after the baby is born.

2. Start a babysitting club with friends. Share the responsibility so you can give each other a break.

3. Join a mothers group. It is nice to talk with others that are going through what you are experiencing.

4. Exercise, it helps you cope. Even going for a walk with baby in tow can be a great workout.

5. Take a long hot bath. Swap the rubber ducky for a glass of champagne and feel like an adult again.

6. Hire someone to help with the housekeeping. It will be the best money you spend.

7. Make time for some self care. A massage (even if your husband does it which can be fun !) , get your hair done, nails anything that makes you feel human again.

8. Visit the library and take out books for you and the baby 🙂

9. Go out for dinner with your husband. If you can’t leave the baby put them to sleep in the stroller, but go!

10. Cherish yourself.

Please send us your tips for coping as a new mobile mom. How do you take time out for you?

It’s that timeeee! Yes, moms and dads :)! Mobile Moms wants to give away products that will make life easier for you and your baby. We work hard to design stylish and functional products for moms/dads on the go!

Bath time is a great way to interact and have fun with your baby. Family members can get involved and bond with the baby too. You can gently massage the baby and make this a relaxing bonding ritual. Not only is it comforting and soothing but it can even promote physical growth and development. Skin-to-skin contact can help infants sleep longer, more restfully and breast feed better. Studies show that human touch and interaction with the baby can help prevent the child from acting withdrawn or reserved later on in life. Be careful not to bathe your baby too much; you don’t want to dry out his or her skin. 3x a week should be good. Most babies find warm water soothing, and this can calm a fussy baby down. Try to devote a time of day to this when there are the least amount of interruptions and do so in between feeding time (so the baby isn’t hungry or too full).

Your baby has sensitive skin, so try to be mindful of the products you use for bath times.

The Bubble Bath, Body Wash, and Bodymilk bottles that come in the pouch also include a really cute Bumblebee Bath Mitt. When I would give my toddler a bath, she used to love playing with bath mitt puppets! All babies love puppets!  They are soft, fun, and functional. They will make any bath time fun and delightful! All the bath products are made of organic ingredients, pediatrician tested, paraben free, and non-irritating. No tears, just laughter & smiles for you & your baby 🙂

adorable stuff, eh? 😀 It’s made especially for sensitive babies on the go! Our unscented travel pack comes complete with travel size Unscented Bubble Bath,Baby Wash, Bodymilk and Bath Mitt in a reusable back.

Excited about the giveaway now? Please stay tuned on Twitter or Facebook on how to enter!

Do you have any bathtime tips and advice? Please share below

Todays Thought

Don’t need any Botox or Riddilin fillers
Or aesthetic procedures with their pain killers.
Or bonded teeth so pearly white.
Almost fluorescent in the night.

Don’t want to hear about another mystery diet.
Cause all the chatter may make me try it.
Or miracle cream to to tighten and lift. At 100 an ounce it better be a gift

Or chin implant to improve my profile
To look like a movie star if can still smile.
Or tummy tuck to appear more svelte
Or diet pills to make me melt.

Or miracle suit for ocean trips.
To minimize my waist and augment my hips.
Or Strivectin to lift my neck and jaw. Cause half this stuff should be against the law.

There nano molecules are not even tested.
The firms that sell them will someday be arrested.
Air brushed images  in magazines  that make us aspire.
Keep personal trainers as today’s must hire.

Or breast implants to attract the men.
And loose all sensitivity ever again.
Or liposuction to remove some inches.
Hurts far more than a couple of pinches.

Cause Madison Avenue has misdirected expectations.
Making us disappointed with God’s creations.
Whatever happened to doing the best with what we got.
Something that all of us have truly forgot.

Marilyn Monroe was every man’s dream.
Twenty pounds heavier or so it seems.
So let’s stand together and remember our gifts.
Cause all this nonsense causes Ego’s rifts.

Mom’s are all beautiful what ever their shape.
With souls as sweet as the best french crepe.
As sisters be satisfied in what we were given.
Our power more powerful than nuclear


Touch can help a baby grow & prosper. 

Just look at how babies can sleep on a parent’s chest with no problem, yet cry as soon as you put them into a crib,” said Ari Brown, M.D., a pediatrician and author.

Not only is it comforting and soothing but it can even promote physical growth and development. Skin-to-skin contact can help infants sleep longer, more restfully and breastfeed better.

Touch reminds babies of the warm sheltered environment (the mommy’s womb) that the baby was immersed in for about 9 months. Human touch and interaction with the baby can help prevent the child from acting withdrawn or reserved later on in life. And no, you can’t spoil a newborn by touching him too much. Don’t you want to help your baby grow up to be a more outgoing and sociable person? 🙂

If your baby doesn’t seem to like to be touched, it doesn’t hurt just to make sure everything is a-okay at the pediatrician’s office. NO, this of course does not mean that every baby who does not like to be touched has some sort of an illness. We’re just taking precautionary measures.

Reading and talking to your baby starting from birth can help your baby develop the skills necessary for speech and communication. Until the baby is about 4-6 months old, the sounds the baby has made may mostly have included crying and laughing. A 3-4 month old baby can make growling sounds and blow raspberries (most likely when they’re happy) 😀

A 6 month old baby can make consonant sounds that people recognize. These are the sounds like “d-d-d-d-d” and “m-m-m-m,” cute babbling.

Some quick tips:

1. Massage: Babies love to be massaged. This is a great way to connect with your newborn. Take whatever oil/cream your pediatrician recommends and massage your baby. Start with the arms down to the hands, each leg down to the toes, their chest and belly. As you do this you can talk to your baby, sing or just coo. You will see, both mother and baby will love this interaction.

2. Carry your baby in a front baby carrier. We especially love the Ergo baby carrier for comfort, ease and the way the babies legs and hips go around you. You will see your baby will love being close to Mom and Dad this way by hearing your heart beat and feeling your warmth. This is also a great way for Dad  to bond with your baby.

3. Bath time is always a fun time to interact and touch your baby.

4. Reading to your baby or singing and playing little games like this little piggy. Babies love your voice, your face, your hands, smile….have fun with your new little one.

5. Dancing with your baby in your arms is nice way to have fun and hold them.

6. Quiet time, nursing, rest time for mom as well is a good time to turn on some soothing music, look at your baby, touch them and connect.

What do you like to do with your baby to interact, touch, and connect with them? Please share 🙂

A woman who transitions into motherhood takes on a whole new lifestyle. It takes time to connect with new moms. Unless you have a group of friends that already have a baby, it’s hard to make friends right away. I went out to the park when my son was old enough and made friends with fellow mommies. When you start talking to other moms, you begin to make a new connection. You can try joining a lactation group or a new mommy group so you can be with people who are dealing with and going through the same thing as you are. There is support around you. Try taking a walk through your own neighborhood and if you happen to meet other parents on the street, try introducing yourself. Sounds funny but that is how I met one of my best friends to this day! We actually “grew up together” as parents 🙂

Often the woman is expected to do everything: take care of the baby, be in charge of the household, and go to work. It can be an overwhelming set of new responsibilities. Enlist help wherever you can! ie. sister, mother, husband, friend, paid help It is also important to rest when the baby rests! I love what a Doula does more than a Nurse to help in the beginning. A Doula comes in and helps with the house, cooking, laundry, gives some helpful advice, but they allow you to bond with your baby and learn that you are the expert. Often times a nurse takes over the baby and doesn’t do any of the household chores which is really what is needed. Here is a great link to find a Doula in your area

“I’m supposed to be bonding with my baby. I’m supposed to be loving this, but I’m feeling tired, alone, and not that wonderful.” You’re not alone! 🙂 Moms everywhere can confirm that. Babies can inspire overwhelming love but also a sense of anxiety/stress.

Whether you decide to go back to work right away or choose to stay at home for a longer period is a personal decision and not always a choice. Economics also plays a role. If you have a two-income family and that income is suddenly cut in half, it could be a big change.  I believe that if it’s possible it is wonderful for a woman to have an option because you won’t know what you really want to do until after you have that soft warm baby in your arms. Whatever you decide to do, do what’s best for you and what makes you happy. A happy parent leads to a happy baby. What were the first three months like for you? Other Mobile Moms would love to hear your story. What worked for you?

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